SysML identifies two [EDIT:ADDITIONAL] usage patterns for ports, one where ports act as proxies for their owning blocks or its internal parts (proxy ports), and another where ports specify separate elements of the system (full ports).

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SysML identifies two [EDIT:ADDITIONAL] usage patterns for ports, one where ports act as proxies for their owning blocks or its internal parts (proxy ports), and another where ports specify separate elements of the system (full ports).
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The [EDIT:ADDITIONAL] has been inserted by Dr Darren here, who says:
I can't think of any sentence in the SysML-1.6 specification that causes more confusion for beginners than this one, because (together with the annoying fact that MagicDraw/Cameo by default hides some features for "standard" Ports in the 'systems engineering' perspective mode) it gives the impression that - just because SysML introduces two additional and more specific port types - users somehow "should" always use one of them. Nothing could be further from the truth.
See under: If you are a SysML OMG RTF voting member please add your support for the inclusion of the one clarifying word 'additional' in the quoted sentence here:
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