According to this Webel Best Practice policy, the use of an AssociationBlock to type a Connector (any Connector) is a declaration that you are NOT simply proxying.
Pro: Excluding AssociationBlock as a possible type of a BindingConnector used for ProxyPort delegation also helps you know when it is NOT proxying .
The diagrams also show another potential issue that can arise when using an AssociationBlock this way with nested ports; the tool will report that the direction is invalid on the inner Connectors (thanks to John Brush of 7Sigma for identifying this concern and for discussions).
To see a better way of modelling a jack or socket that avoids these issues please visit: Webel: SysML: Electronics: DO NOT represent a jack/socket as a dumb proxy. Imagine it can introduce some signal noise or other effect (such as buzz) to test it is a physical model.