Figure 27: Default values and initial value in SysML

The Dependency in the following is for illustration only, to show how an InstanceSpecification b0:B assigned as the defaultValue of b:B within block A carries the "initial values" override for val:Real.
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model B
  Real val(start = 10.0, fixed = true);
  end B;
model A
  B b(val.start = 20.0, val.fixed = true);
end A;
Export of block A to Modelica from the MagicDraw SysML Plugin or Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) gives:

model A
  A _A;
  model A
    B b(val.start=20.0,val.fixed=true);
  end A;
  model B
    Real val(start=10.0,fixed=true);
  end B;
end A;

To learn more about SysML initial values (a.k.a. context-specific values) visit also this separate trail: 08:04: Deep configuration using SysML context-specific values
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