Tags and keywords
Displaying SysML ConstraintBlocks that represent Mathematica functions in SysML Block Definition Diagrams (BDDs) provides a powerful overview of networks of equations, input and output parameters (arguments and returns), and usages of library functions. In a SysML BDD, a ConstraintBlock is shown as a rectangular symbol with compartments for its mathematical constraints and constraint properties (ConstraintBlock usages), and its constraint parameters. A constraint property may also be shown as the end of an Association.
Such diagrams complement the graphical "wired" SysML Parametrics Diagrams (as shown in this previous slide page sequence).
functions and scenarios and do not use the object-oriented Webel MPsy
class for Psychrometrics in Mathematica (which are instead modelled using SysML Activity Diagrams, as shown in this previous slide page sequence).
This ends our quick tour through handling Psychrometrics cases in Mathematica using the Webel Psy
library and MPsy
class, and modelling the Mathematica code in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) using the Webel SysML4Mathematica modelling recipe, which is a great way to document Mathematica code and organise and refactor Mathematica code logic.
You may find the following related separate slide trail section with more explanations about the underlying coding and use of Webel SysML4Mathematica (v1) interesting:
You also may find the following separate slide trails interesting: