Mathematica: TIP: Start with With, update to Module as needed.

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It is a good idea to start with a With, which does not permit the renaming of initial local variables, then Migrate to a Module as needed. It's not just that With uses slightly less overhead (mostly, depends on the Expressions used), it promotes a slightly different workflow, by making it exactly clear what is an "input" (other than the function args) and what depends on those local variables.

f[y_] := With[
  { x = 1.234567 },   
  x y

If you need to upgrade to Module because you've changed a local variable within the scope of a With, it will warn you:

f[y_] := With[
  { x },

  x = 1.234567^y; (* ERROR: Attempt to set local With variable *)
  x + x^2 + x3
The exact message depends on what you have attempted to overwrite and how, typically it's something like this:

With::lvws: Variable x in local variable specification ...
f[y_] := Module[
  { x },
  x = 1.234567^y; (* OK: inside a Module *)
  x + x^2 + x^3
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