Tags and keywords
A convenient way to explore a DecisionNode in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) is to use the ReadLine
Activity from the fUML_Library.mdzip, which you can load via Use Project > Use Local Project then select under <install.root>/modelLibraries
. You can then input 'test' values via a CLI in the simulation console.
Cameo uses a "magical" implied variable detection based on the guard, so it detects a variable 'test' from the untyped (freestyle) guard [test]
BTW: It does not seem to matter which language you use in the CLI, somewhere it interprets any of "True", "true", "Yes", or "yes" as true
and any of "False", "false", "No", or "no" as false
. However entering "Y", "y", "N", or "n" will cause the popup dialog requesting selection of 'Yes' or 'No' for the variable indicated in the guard; so for a guard [test]
it prompts for test ?.
This version does not use an explicit «decisionInputFlow», so it does not need an "extra" ControlFlow to the DecisionNode:
To see similar but with a LiteralBoolean guard instead of the "magical" variable detection in the guard shown above visit: