The LHS of a help Rule for a '$arg$' argument is its corresponding '$arg$' help holder name (such as '$arg$doShow', '$arg$doDebug', '$arg$pac$myArg'). The RHS is an Association with the listed keys.
The '$k$' keys for simplicity (because used so often) bend the usual Webel recommendations slightly, in that the keys for $k$help', '$k$warn', '$k$tip', '$k$lab' etc. do not explicitly indicate that their values are Strings (so not $k$$help', '$k$$warn', '$k$$tip', '$k$$lab' etc.).
If '$k$def' is given, '$k$req = False' is assumed by help rule makers, and any inconsistencies are reported as errors.
Key '$k$help' maps from '$info$arg$', which may appear slightly inconsistent, but note that '$info$arg$' is used in other contexts, and in this context, it provides a help String.
The optional '$k$mult$' UML/SysML-style multiplicity indicator String (used only for documentation) maps from '$mult$arg$'.
For examples of use visit: