Icon class icon_class fas fa-quote-left icon_class_computed fas fa-quote-left Related content SysML1.7: ISSUE: Claim that 'Datastore already has an overwrite semantics' is inconsistent w.r.t. UML2.5.1 Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.7 Copyright information About Object Management Group copyright in text extracts quoted from OMG specifications for educational purposes Snippet kind INFO UML keywords DataStoreNode Keywords SysML SysMLv1 Systems Modeling Language Model-Based Systems Engineering Previous snippet Full quote (Datastore already has an overwrite semantics) Next snippet This statement in SysMLv1.7 about DataStoreNode as reused from UML2.5.1 is contested by Webel UML-2.5.1: 'When a DataStoreNode accepts an object token, if that token contains an object with the same identity as an object contained in a token already held by the node, then the duplicate object token shall not be placed on the DataStoreNode.' Related snippets When a DataStoreNode accepts an object token, if that token contains an object with the same identity as an object contained in a token already held by the node, then the duplicate object token shall not be placed on the DataStoreNode. When an offer for an object token held by a DataStoreNode is accepted by a downstream object node, the offered token is removed from the DataStoreNode, per the usual CentralBufferNode semantics. However, a copy is made of the removed object token ... Unlike a regular CentralBufferNode, a DataStoreNode contains objects uniquely. Data Store Nodes - A DataStoreNode is a CentralBufferNode that holds its object tokens persistently while its activity is executing. ... a copy is made of the removed object token, with the same value, and this is immediately placed back onto the DataStoreNode. Thus, the values held by a DataStoreNode appear to persist for the duration of each execution of its containing activity, even The selection and transformation Behaviors on outgoing ObjectFlows can be used to get information out of a DataStoreNode as if a query were being performed. Related snippets (backlinks) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags