Tags and keywords
This is a composite image with 2 separate query tables. The tables generated in MagicDraw SysML Plugin or Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) necessarily are visually slightly different from those in the spec.
In the 1st image an additional column for derived requirements is included (it's available out-of-the-box in the tool just be selecting that column type as visible).
The 2nd image demonstrates the powerful derived relationship and metachain navigation features. The column names chosen are indicators only.
The 2nd figure is very tricky to achieve:
The scope of the query had to be tediously set to include exactly each of the rows, rather than using, say, the parent
Requirements. (There may be a more elegant way of doing this using filters.)
The derived id column 'D.ID' here does not show the ID on the
row (which is the source of multiple DeriveReqt) MagicDraw metachain seems to struggle with multiple rows (at least as used here).
The SysML-1.6 figure seems to be missing the DeriveReqt from
to FuelEconomy
The SysML-1.6 figure has the ID for both
and PowerSourceManagement
set to 'd.2'; to solve this the ID for Range
is set here to 'd.3'