Webel: Psy/MPsy: Psychrometrics for Mathematica: Transferred heat (energy "Q") has field names with lower case 'qTot', 'qSen', 'qLat'. Heat rates (energy per time) have field names 'qDotTot', 'qDotSen', 'qDotLat' (to avoid clashes with Mathematica core)
Webel: Psy/MPsy: Psychrometrics for Mathematica: Relative humidity is indicated by a lower case 'r' and measured as a Real fraction (rather than as a Percentage). [Some tables and plots do SHOW the relative humidity as a Percentage.]
Webel: Psy/MPsy: Psychrometrics for Mathematica: Humidity ratio (absolute humidity) is indicated by a lower case 'w' and measured in mass (water) / mass (dry air) units, so the SI and IP representations are equal Real (without an explicit unit system)