UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit 19SP3: GOTCHA/TIP: ConstraintBlock constraints: Not every available constraint language can handle Enumeration literals (if in doubt choose 'English')
UML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit 19SP3: GOTCHA: CreateObjectAction ignores an Artifact as 'classifier' even though Artifact is a Classifier
UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit 19SP3: A parent Activity with a DecisionNode that uses a Activity as a decisionInput Behavior terminates immediately after the decisionInput terminates (but OpaqueBehavior works)
UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit 19SP3: GOTCHA: Will not evaluate a guard using a token from a decisionInputFlow UNLESS a decisionInput Behaviour is explicitly defined (but Alf does)
Sample problems and example diagrams in graphical language specifications are NOT necessarily indications of how one should model on a real-world project! They often just serve to demonstrate a particular aspect of the specified language.
Not every task in Activity Diagrams is well-suited to graphical modelling; consider using Action Language Helper (ALH) or Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf)
ALL Model-Based Engineering: Just because you can't see a Feature or some other aspect of a SysML (or UML) Element in a tool on a symbol does NOT mean it does not exist in the underlying model (repository)! The model is not just what is DISPLAYED!