Webel: MagicDraw/Cameo: Set EVERY element properties & symbol properties filter to 'All' (yes, not just 'Expert', to 'All', even if you are a "novice" on your first project) in EVERY dialog and every project option setting. Use the search filters!

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Filters on Display Options dialogs (as shown here) and Element Properties dialogs (use same filtering principle) are a new best friend, but you need level 'All' to leverage it sensibly, which setting - amongst other things - helps address issues such as: "But those dialogs are so over-whelming?" you may think; be assured they are more over-whelming when you can't find something you are looking for at all, because it is hidden from the dialog! Follow Webel Best Practice and you will be step-by-step far less whelmed. Use property filters; they will also help you learn what is available and to become more familiar with the underlying metamodel too.
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