I have programmed computers since I was a young teenager - for over 30 years. I command a wide range of low-level procedural, object-oriented, visual, and symbolic computer languages, and have worked in many software development teams.
I originally trained and worked as a mathematician and physicist, and I have applied computers to analysis, modelling, and simulation of many systems including: scientific instruments such as radio-telescopes, particle accelerators/colliders, and neutron beam instruments; astrophysical systems such as supernovae; scientific data analysis; biological population dynamics; secure internet architectures and middleware; metamodelling; cognitive science, semantic networks, and linguistics.
I have lectured, tutored, and trained students of IT, mathematics, and physics.
After many years using computers in science I developed an interest in the IT industry, web & internet technologies, next-generation languages, and emerging standards. In 2000 I established the Webel IT Australia Scientific IT Consultancy, promoting benefits of modern IT – and especially graphical UML®, Java™, XML, symbolic algebra, ontological and domain modelling, meta-modelling, and real-time synthesis - to tasks in industry, science, and engineering.
I have made a number of original contributions to science and technology including: port-based UML® and SysML® models of neutron beam instruments and radio-telescopes; Java bindings and a generative XML Schema for the NeXus scattering sciences data format; development of the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for translating technical texts into Unified Modeling Language (UML®) and Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) models; development of the accelerometer-driven gestural performance “air instrument” Drancing and the Drancel synthesis "atom", which synthesise music, visuals, and light displays from dance and body movement in real time.
I am an expert in analysis, design, modelling, re-factoring, and migration of software systems using UML®, and I have reverse-engineered and analysed hundreds of Java™, C++, and XML Schema (XSD) systems. I also command a wide range of forward-engineering technologies, including many UML® tools, the Eclipse Modeling Framework, and custom Java™-driven forward-engineering systems.
I have developed an Enterprise Java (Java EE) web application for tracking green building schemes using JavaServer Faces (JSF) rich interactive web user interfaces, employing UML®-driven software engineering and SysML® modelling of building projects.
I led re-development of a Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) tool for a UML® tool developer. I am very familiar with the Object Management Group's UML® and SysML® specifications and metamodels, and I have participated in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) specification tracking and the OMG SysML Revision Task Force (RTF).
I have promoted UML® and SysML® education through development of courses and workshops, through foundation of the MagicDraw UML Online eSchool, and through educational IT examples on www.webel.com.au. I offer advanced UML and SysML training courses for scientists, engineers, and IT developers through Webel IT Australia.
I have been engaged as an expert consultant in Model-Based Systems Engineering with Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) for clients in industry and science.
I have employed Drupal™ CMS for promotion of IT technologies and education on the Webel IT Australia site and for clients in industry, government, education, and science.