Psychrometrics links (references and online calculators)

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This page collects some useful External links (see section below) for Psychrometrics (humid air physics).

Some (only) of these linked external references have rather "sloppy" notations! They do not always state whether a symbol stands for a humid air quantity or a dry quantity. Some do not state clearly where approximations for sensible heat and latent heat are used. And some even have some errors in formulae and worked examples. Use at your own risk, and check independently.

Dr Darren says:

If you want to learn properly about Psychrometrics, don't rely on massively simplified online slides and summaries. Refer to an authoritative reference with carefully typeset (or generated) and checked equations, and clear explanations of the assumptions behind them.

Of the external links on this page, the following are the most accurate and explanatory

These PDF handouts from Uni Texas has clear, detailed derivations of many of the fundamental equations of Psychrometrics (including explaining exactly what approximations are made when and why):

They appear to be sourced from:

Thermal Environmental Engineering (3rd Edition)
by James W. Ramsey, James L. Threlkeld, Thomas H. Kuehn
ISBN 13: 9780139172205
ISBN 10: 0139172203
Paperback; U.s.a.: Prentice Hall, 1998-02; ISBN-13: 978-0139172205

Many thanks to the authors for doing such a thorough job!

This one from one ASHRAE is very comprehensive, with lots of clear descriptions of industry conventions (but not as many derivations):

Beware also:

Some typical Psychrometrics scenarios are handled in this slide trail using the Webel Psy library for Mathematica, including also Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) models:

Many of the relevant equations are available modelling in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) as SysML Parametric Diagrams and SysML Activity Diagrams at part of that trail here:

Relevant snippets (from other sources)
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